We have compiled some questions asked by our users, you may find some useful answers that may help to address your question.

What does ePiloting provide?

ePiloting.com is a UK based crew training portal owned and operated by FlightMove Ltd. We currently serve a range of airlines from business jet operators to larger national carriers with their eLearning training requirements. Our customers are located in various geographical areas including Europe, the Middle East, Africa and other parts of the world.

Is ePiloting compliant with training procedures?

Yes.. Compliance procedure is followed correctly, our courses and training method strictly follow EASA or ICAO compliance guidelines, this include the actual content of the training module and the steps taken to accomplish a compliant training. For example, training modules presented in a progressive sequence starting with the first module and followed by the rest, the test is not available until all modules are completed.

Are ePiloting courses approved?

Courses itself do not need to be approved. We are an online system and courseware provider that supply airlines with the training service to help achieve and maintain ground training requirements. Based on EASA requirements, our activity do not require an approval. However, airlines using our service must include their training as part of the approval they hold with local authorities and aviation industry regulators. Our airline members have achieved 100% success in satisfying local authorities in their relevant countries.

Do ePiloting provide “LMS” with the training?

Yes, our “Learning Management System (LMS)” is provided free of charge to your training department. Training personnel only can have access to the management system and not visible to your crew. You can view records, assign users, view tests results, download certificates and much more.

The Sky is The Limit
What our customers say:

“Excellent training material with detailed content, easy to use and saved us time and money”.

Capt. S. Jumaily

Senior Training Captain

“Very good price for the number of courses offered, give it thumbs up”.

Capt. M. Nayla

Ex Virgin Atlantic